Veda Vyasa DAV Public School Vikaspuri organised 'Arz Kiya Hai' an open Mic event for alumni and parents of the school. The premise behind this maiden attempt was to provide a platform to shine and exhibit their talents and create happy memories together.The programme was a pot pouri of different genres - singing, instrumental music,story narration,poetry,acting and stand up comedy .The day was an agglomeration of alumni from diverse career backgrounds reminiscing the good old moments of school life. More than 40 participants showcased their talent and it was heartening to see the enthusiasm and zeal among the alumni and their involvement in the event.The metamorphosis they had undergone from school days was evident in their commendable performances.They expressed their gratitude to the Principal and teachers for giving them this opportunity to hone their skills and also wish for more such events.
Principal Mrs.Shalini Arora lauded the alumni for their exuberant talent and exhorted them to become a resource pool for the institution. Mr S.K Jain ,the Manager of the school and the Founder Principal Ms Chitra Nakra graced the occasion .