Vikas Puri, New Delhi 110018

School Safety Norms  


  • The safety and wellbeing of the student is not only the moral responsibility but also it is primary concern of the school.  Keeping in mind the security of the students as the top most priority of the school authorities, the school has taken all necessary positive steps to ensure the safety of the students steps at all level since the inception of the school.  

  • There is proper supervision on the part of the Principal, Supervisory in-charges, coordinators and class teachers besides supporting staff. The internal security of School for all children is robust.

  • Only female Safai Karamcharis have been placed in the junior.  

  • Two female guards at Junior wing and two guards at Senior wing have been engaged for taking rounds on the floors during the working hours.

  • No student of the junior wing is allowed to go alone to the washroom. They go in pairs.

  • Supervisory Incharges have been directed to remain in their respective wings  till  all the students  have left. In case of any emergency, the Supervisory Incharges depute teachers who remain after the school until the parents come to pick their wards.

  • Teachers  accompany the small children besides  female attendants  in the junior buses.

  • All the school  employees have been instructed to get  Police verification  done.

  • The outsourced/supporting  staff  is  employed  only  from authorized and registered agencies . As  per the terms and conditions of the contract agreement, Housekeeping staff and security guards are deployed, after Police verification.

  • School guards are  trained personnel.  The performance of security and housekeeping agency is  reviewed  periodically.

  • The entry for students from the main gate  to the school ground is allowed 20 minutes  before start of the school and  after 5 minutes, they are allowed to proceed  to their respective  class rooms.

  • The   housekeeping  work  is done after the dispersal of the students. Toilets and gates/channels are locked after cleaning. 

  • Teachers have been  allotted  duty at the gates in the beginning and closing of the school.  The teachers taking the last class period , are not allowed  to  leave their respective classrooms until all the students have left the floor.

  • The school has about 246 number of CCTV cameras in the school to keep tab on the activities of school staff and students, covering all classrooms (Pre-school to XII), labs, Libraries, corridors, vacant rooms, grounds, lawns, isolated areas, parking. One Lab. Assistant has been assigned the duty in CCTV surveillance room to check and to ensure that all CCTV cameras are functional. Supervisory In charges have also been directed to monitor.

  • The students are not allowed to leave the school during the working hours without gate pass which is signed by Class Teacher, Class Coordinator, Supervisory Head and Receptionist.

  • All the school gates, manned by trained security guards, are kept locked. Roof top of the school is not  accessible to the students and it is always kept locked and manned by the school caretaker.

  • Entry/exit of all persons in the school is logged clearly with their in and out times specified, so that at any point, there is a clear record of both insiders and outsiders present on the premises.

  • Timings for all the vendors/suppliers/contractors have been fixed between 2.00 p.m. and 2.30 p.m. and  the guards allow them with visitor cards, after confirmation from the school office

  • Students are regularly sensitized about Net Safety, ill effect of Social Media etc., In this regard, the parents are also issued advisory besides apprising them in the class-wise Parents Orientation programmes.

  • The girls are made aware about sexual offences against girl child under Nirbheek- an operation of Delhi Police. The girls are  encouraged to  report  any abuse  to  her class teacher/ class coordinators/ Supervisory Incharge and  to their  parents and seek their participation in handling  such  sensitive  issues.  A self-defense training programme ( by Women Police Officer) for  girl students (Senior) has already been conducted.

  • For calamities such as earthquake, flood, riots,  a basic process and system is in place for evacuation and dealing with such calamities, The School Disaster Management Team  conducts periodic drills with adequate, well-labelled emergency exits, in accordance with the fire safety plan.

  • The teachers accompany the school children in the school buses. Two teachers  accompany the small children besides  female attendants  in the junior buses. The girl child is not left alone in the bus with the male driver and bus conductor.

  • The school has hired all  the buses froma private agency for the transportation of  the students. The parents of the non-bus users, are also advised  to strictly adhere to all the rules laid down by the Supreme Court such as  valid licence or permit of vehicles, arranged by them, to carry their children, checking of  antecedents of driver & conductor and their  police verification.  They should accompany the driver & conductor in such vehicles daily on rotation basis as they are responsible for the safe transportation of their children.  They should ensure that the drivers do not pick up any un-authorised persons into the vehicles and they drop their wards at the designated gate only. Students are not allowed to get down anywhere on the way other than the bus stop from  where the child was picked up.

  • The parents are given circulars regarding the safety and security  of the children.  The school also issues guidelines in this regard to the parents of the non-bus users, to strictly adhere to all the rules laid down by the Directorate of Education.

  • The  School authorities have developed an effective grievance redressal mechanism in school.  In general,  the parent report of any complaint/issue to the concerned class-teacher/coordinator/ Supervisory Incharge of  the School or send email The parents can  approach directly  the  School Principal for any issue.  

  • The school has already constituted separate committees for redressal of public /staff/ parents/  students grievances, Internal Complaints Committee on Sexual Harassment under POCSO.


  • The staff and students have been provided with identity cards.


  • The school has an elaborate fire-fighting system with early warning alarms.


  • Disaster management systems, evacuation plans and fire drills have been put in place to handle the situation in case of an emergency. Training and mock drills are carried out in the school on a periodic basis.


  • Safety audits are conducted regularly.


  • Special surveillance and safety measures are taken at the entry and exit gates.


  • Students are not allowed to carry the mobile phones.


  • Visitors need to deposit their mobile phones in the counter at the school gate.

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New Delhi -110018
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