Vikas Puri, New Delhi 110018

Event Detail  
Mother's Day Celebration by Pre-School
Event Start Date : 12/05/2023 Event End Date 12/05/2023

*" A mother is she who can take the place of all, but whose place no one else can take ."* 
Commemoration of many roles that a mother plays needs much more than just words. Little Preschoolers celebrated the special occasion of Mother's Day on 11May ,2023 with great enthusiasm. The mothers were specially invited for the celebration, to participate in various activities as a team ,with their bundle of joys. The day started with chanting of Gayatri mantra, followed by songs and dances presented by the students to welcome and thank their mothers. 
The heartfelt and stellar performance of students was a moment of reckoning for the mothers to introspect on the immense influence and pivotal role one has to play in a child's life. 
Children gave beautiful cards created by them to their mothers and conveyed their gratitude to them. The happy and excited mothers participated in various fun filled activities like musical chair with a twist, I can doll up my mom, I know my mom well and various other mother and child activities. Children fed their mothers with banana and guided them to throw it's peel in *GREEN BIN* . Mothers  promised to segregate the trash at their homes also.
 *Principal, MRS SHALINI ARORA* conveyed her joy, in mothers being there for the program. 
 Children showed much love to their mothers, by offering water from their bottles during *HYDRATION TIME* - an initiative started by the Supervisory Incharge - *MRS ANJU SINGH .* This project was appreciated by all mothers. 
The program concluded with demonstrations given by the innovative mothers who carried beautiful self made games made up of *REUSED* boxes and cardboards to use as an aid to reduce screen time. 
Mothers carried with them the heartwarming feelings of love , gratitude and appreciation.
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