1. Registration Open (Class - PP to IX)
2. Payment of Rs.25/- (Registration amount) will be accepted online.
3. Registration for admission does NOT CONFIRM ADMISSION.
4. In case of incomplete form, the application will be deemed as rejected.
5. Bring the child for Interaction/Written Test on the following dates along with printout of the Registration Form.
- Class - Pre-Primary - 16th March at 9:00 a.m.
- Classes - I to IX - 21st March at 9:00 a.m.
Interaction/ Written test will be based on the previous class syllabus.
6. Selected candidates will be called by the school after 24th March.
7. Admission is subject to availability of seats against withdrawals only.
8. Transport facility is available. Routes are being reworked for new session.
For Older routes - Classes-Pre-Primary to II Click here to view/download
Classes-III to IX Click here to view/download
9. Keep visiting the school website www.vvdav.org for regular updates.
-> FOR CLASSES PRE-PRIMARY AND FIRST ONLY - Relaxation upto 30 days in the minimum and maximum age has been
given as per Directorate of Education guidelines.
Kindly read the following instructions carefully before filling up the form:
- Enter the e-mail id, then click on Generate code option for password. Password will be sent to the same e-mail id within 5 minutes.
This e-mail id and password will be used for login.
- Fill the form in CAPITAL LETTERS ONLY.
- Keep details of Debit Card/Credit Card/Net banking ready for online payment of Registration Charges of ₹25/-.
- For any query, kindly e-mail at [email protected]. We will try to resolve your query at the earliest.
Important Instruction for Processing Payment:
- After making payment if the form displays NOT SECURE, kindly look for the option SEND ANYWAYS.You are requested
to Click it. If you fail to click SEND ANYWAY, the payment will not be processed. It helps to generate the fee receipt,
Please Save a copy of the receipt.